A list-like container for command files with dot-notation access by label. |
Provide dot-notation access via an access attribute for the case where the access attribute uniquely identifies a single object. |
A list-like container for environments with dot-notation access by name. |
A list-like container for environment executables with dot-notation access by executable label. |
A list-like container for the task schema group list with dot-notation access by group name. |
A list-like class that provides item access via a get method according to attributes or dict-keys. |
A list-like container for parameters with dot-notation access by parameter type. |
A list-like container for a task-like list with dot-notation access by task unique-name. |
A list-like container for a task schema list with dot-notation access by task schema unique-name. |
A list-like container for a task-like list with dot-notation access by task unique-name. |