- class hpcflow.sdk.persistence.zarr.ZarrStoreElementIter(id_: 'int', is_pending: 'bool', element_ID: 'int', EARs_initialised: 'bool', EAR_IDs: 'Dict[int, List[int]]', data_idx: 'Dict[str, int]', schema_parameters: 'List[str]', loop_idx: 'Dict[str, int]' = <factory>)#
Return a copy, with additional EAR IDs.
Initialise a StoreElementIter from persistent element iteration data
Prepare store element iteration data for the persistent store.
Return a copy with EARs_initialised set to True.
Prepare data for the user-facing ElementIteration object.
Return a copy, with the loop index updated.
- Parameters:
- append_EAR_IDs(pend_IDs)#
Return a copy, with additional EAR IDs.
- classmethod decode(iter_dat, attrs)#
Initialise a StoreElementIter from persistent element iteration data
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- encode(attrs)#
Prepare store element iteration data for the persistent store.
This method mutates attrs.
- set_EARs_initialised()#
Return a copy with EARs_initialised set to True.
- Parameters:
self (AnySElementIter) –
- Return type:
- to_dict(EARs)#
Prepare data for the user-facing ElementIteration object.