- class hpcflow.app.Workflow(path, store_fmt=None, fs_kwargs=None)#
Add a loop to a subset of workflow tasks.
Add a new task after the specified task.
Add a new task before the specified task.
A context manager that batches up structural changes to the workflow and commits them to disk all together when the context manager exits.
Cancel any running jobscripts.
Copy the workflow to a new path and return the copied workflow path.
Generate from a JSON file.
Generate from a JSON string.
Generate from a YAML file.
Generate from a YAML string.
Generate from either a YAML or JSON file, depending on the file extension.
Generate from a WorkflowTemplate object.
Generate from the data associated with a WorkflowTemplate object.
Get EAR IDs belonging to multiple tasks
Check if an EAR is to be skipped.
Return element action run objects from a list of IDs.
Get EARs belonging to multiple tasks
Retrieve all workflow parameter data.
Retrieve all store parameters.
Return element iteration objects from a list of IDs.
Get element iterations belonging to multiple tasks
Return element objects from a list of IDs.
Return the unique names of all workflow tasks.
Set the end time and exit code on an EAR.
Record that an EAR is to be skipped due to an upstream failure.
Set the start time on an EAR.
Set the submission index of an EAR.
Set ElementIteration.EARs_initialised to True for the specified iteration.
Rename an existing same-path workflow (directory) so we can restore it if workflow creation fails.
Wait for the completion of specified/all submitted jobscripts.
Write run-time commands for a given EAR.
The workflow name may be different from the template name, as it includes the creation date-timestamp if generated.
- add_loop(loop, parent_loop_indices=None)#
Add a loop to a subset of workflow tasks.
- add_task(task, new_index=None)#
- add_task_after(new_task, task_ref=None)#
Add a new task after the specified task.
- add_task_before(new_task, task_ref=None)#
Add a new task before the specified task.
- app = BaseApp(name='hpcFlow', version='0.2.0a83')#
- property artifacts_path#
- batch_update(is_workflow_creation=False)#
A context manager that batches up structural changes to the workflow and commits them to disk all together when the context manager exits.
- cancel(hard=False)#
Cancel any running jobscripts.
- check_parameters_exist(id_lst)#
- copy(path=None)#
Copy the workflow to a new path and return the copied workflow path.
- Return type:
- property creation_info#
- delete()#
- property execution_path#
- classmethod from_JSON_file(JSON_path, path=None, name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from a JSON file.
- Parameters:
JSON_path (PathLike) – The path to a workflow template in the JSON file format.
path (str | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified the WorkflowTemplate name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_JSON_string(JSON_str, path=None, name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from a JSON string.
- Parameters:
JSON_str (PathLike) – The JSON string containing a workflow template parametrisation.
path (str | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified the WorkflowTemplate name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_YAML_file(YAML_path, path=None, name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from a YAML file.
- Parameters:
YAML_path (PathLike) – The path to a workflow template in the YAML file format.
path (str | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified the WorkflowTemplate name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_YAML_string(YAML_str, path=None, name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from a YAML string.
- Parameters:
YAML_str (PathLike) – The YAML string containing a workflow template parametrisation.
path (str | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified the WorkflowTemplate name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_file(template_path, template_format=None, path=None, name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from either a YAML or JSON file, depending on the file extension.
- Parameters:
template_path (PathLike) – The path to a template file in YAML or JSON format, and with a “.yml”, “.yaml”, or “.json” extension.
template_format (str | None) – If specified, one of “json” or “yaml”. This forces parsing from a particular format regardless of the file extension.
path (str | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified the WorkflowTemplate name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_template(template, path=None, name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from a WorkflowTemplate object.
- Parameters:
template (WorkflowTemplate) – The WorkflowTemplate object to make persistent.
path (PathLike | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified the WorkflowTemplate name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_template_data(template_name, tasks=None, loops=None, resources=None, path=None, workflow_name=None, overwrite=False, store='zarr', ts_fmt=None, ts_name_fmt=None)#
Generate from the data associated with a WorkflowTemplate object.
- Parameters:
template_name (str) – Name of the new workflow template, from which the new workflow will be generated.
tasks (List[Task] | None) – List of Task objects to add to the new workflow.
loops (List[Loop] | None) – List of Loop objects to add to the new workflow.
resources (Dict[str, Dict] | None) – Mapping of action scopes to resource requirements, to be applied to all element sets in the workflow. resources specified in an element set take precedence of those defined here for the whole workflow.
path (PathLike | None) – The directory in which the workflow will be generated. The current directory if not specified.
workflow_name (str | None) – The name of the workflow. If specified, the workflow directory will be path joined with name. If not specified template_name will be used, in combination with a date-timestamp.
overwrite (bool | None) – If True and the workflow directory (path + name) already exists, the existing directory will be overwritten.
store (str | None) – The persistent store to use for this workflow.
ts_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use for storing datetimes. Datetimes are always stored in UTC (because Numpy does not store time zone info), so this should not include a time zone name.
ts_name_fmt (str | None) – The datetime format to use when generating the workflow name, where it includes a timestamp.
- Return type:
- property fs_path#
- get_EAR_IDs_of_tasks(id_lst)#
Get EAR IDs belonging to multiple tasks
- get_EAR_skipped(EAR_ID)#
Check if an EAR is to be skipped.
- Parameters:
EAR_ID (int) –
- Return type:
- get_EARs_from_IDs(id_lst)#
Return element action run objects from a list of IDs.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- get_EARs_of_tasks(id_lst)#
Get EARs belonging to multiple tasks
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- get_all_EARs()#
- Return type:
- get_all_element_iterations()#
- Return type:
- get_all_parameter_data(**kwargs)#
Retrieve all workflow parameter data.
- get_all_parameters(**kwargs)#
Retrieve all store parameters.
- Parameters:
kwargs (Dict) –
- Return type:
- get_element_iteration_IDs_from_EAR_IDs(id_lst)#
- get_element_iterations_from_IDs(id_lst)#
Return element iteration objects from a list of IDs.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- get_element_iterations_of_tasks(id_lst)#
Get element iterations belonging to multiple tasks
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- get_elements_from_IDs(id_lst)#
Return element objects from a list of IDs.
- get_iteration_task_pathway()#
- get_parameter(index, **kwargs)#
- Parameters:
index (int) –
kwargs (Dict) –
- Return type:
- get_parameters(id_lst, **kwargs)#
- Parameters:
id_lst (Iterable[int]) –
kwargs (Dict) –
- Return type:
- get_store_element_iterations(id_lst)#
- Parameters:
id_lst (Iterable[int]) –
- Return type:
- get_task_elements(task, selection)#
- get_task_unique_names(map_to_insert_ID=False)#
Return the unique names of all workflow tasks.
- property id_#
- property input_files_path#
- property loops: WorkflowLoopList#
- property name#
The workflow name may be different from the template name, as it includes the creation date-timestamp if generated.
- property num_EARs#
- property num_element_iterations#
- property num_elements#
- property num_submissions#
- property num_tasks#
- set_EAR_end(js_idx, js_act_idx, EAR_ID, exit_code)#
Set the end time and exit code on an EAR.
If the exit code is non-zero, also set all downstream dependent EARs to be skipped. Also save any generated input/output files.
- set_EAR_skip(EAR_ID)#
Record that an EAR is to be skipped due to an upstream failure.
- Parameters:
EAR_ID (int) –
- Return type:
- set_EAR_submission_index(EAR_ID, sub_idx)#
Set the submission index of an EAR.
- set_EARs_initialised(iter_ID)#
Set ElementIteration.EARs_initialised to True for the specified iteration.
- Parameters:
iter_ID (int) –
- set_parameter_value(param_id, value, commit=False)#
- show_all_EAR_statuses()#
- property store_format#
- property submissions: List[Submission]#
- property submissions_path#
- submit(ignore_errors=False, JS_parallelism=None, print_stdout=False, wait=False)#
- property task_artifacts_path#
- property tasks: WorkflowTaskList#
- property template: WorkflowTemplate#
- classmethod temporary_rename(path, fs)#
Rename an existing same-path workflow (directory) so we can restore it if workflow creation fails.
Renaming will occur until the successfully completed. This means multiple new paths may be created, where only the final path should be considered the successfully renamed workflow. Other paths will be deleted.
- property ts_fmt#
- property ts_name_fmt#