- class hpcflow.sdk.persistence.json.JSONPersistentStore(workflow)#
A verbose but inefficient storage backend, to help with understanding and debugging.
We split the data across three JSON files to support submission to schedulers. During scheduler submission, if a task is quick, parameter data might be written at the same time as both submission metadata (jobscript submission time), and EAR metadata (EAR start/end time).
Initialise the zeroth iterations of a named loop across the specified task subset.
Add a new submission to the workflow.
Context manager to cache the whole JSON document, allowing for multiple read operations with one disk read.
Make a copy of the store.
Delete the persistent workflow.
Permanently delete the workflow data with no confirmation.
Get information about the app that created the workflow.
Get the total number of tasks ever added to the workflow, regardless of whether any of those tasks were subsequently removed from the workflow.
Override this for a more performant implementation.
Get all template components, including pending.
Check if the workflow (metadata) has been modified on disk since initial load (this is bad).
Is a given workflow path of this store type?
Set the value of a pre-allocated parameter.
Returns True if there are pending changes that are not yet committed.
Get the store path, which may be the same as the workflow path.
- Parameters:
workflow (app.Workflow) –
- add_EARs(task_idx, task_insert_ID, element_iter_idx, EARs, param_src_updates)#
- add_element_iterations(task_idx, task_insert_ID, element_iterations, element_iters_idx)#
- add_element_set(task_idx, element_set_js)#
- add_elements(task_idx, task_insert_ID, elements, element_iterations)#
- add_loop(task_indices, loop_js, iterable_parameters)#
Initialise the zeroth iterations of a named loop across the specified task subset.
- Parameters:
task_indices (List[int]) – List of task indices that identifies the task subset over which the new loop should iterate.
loop_js (Dict) –
iterable_parameters (Dict[str:Dict]) –
- Return type:
- add_submission(submission_js)#
Add a new submission to the workflow.
- Parameters:
submission_js (Dict) –
- add_template_components(template_components)#
- Parameters:
template_components (Dict) –
- Return type:
- append_submission_attempt(sub_idx, submitted_js_idx)#
- Parameters:
submitted_js_idx (int) –
- Return type:
- cached_load()#
Context manager to cache the whole JSON document, allowing for multiple read operations with one disk read.
- check_parameters_exist(indices)#
- clear_pending()#
- Return type:
- commit_pending()#
- Return type:
- delete()#
Delete the persistent workflow.
- Return type:
- delete_no_confirm()#
Permanently delete the workflow data with no confirmation.
- Return type:
- property features: PersistentStoreFeatures#
- get_creation_info()#
Get information about the app that created the workflow.
- get_num_added_tasks()#
Get the total number of tasks ever added to the workflow, regardless of whether any of those tasks were subsequently removed from the workflow.
- Return type:
- get_task_elements(task_idx, task_insert_ID, selection, keep_iterations_idx=False)#
- get_task_elements_islice(task_idx, task_insert_ID, selection)#
Override this for a more performant implementation.
- get_task_idx_from_insert_ID(insert_ID)#
- is_modified_on_disk()#
Check if the workflow (metadata) has been modified on disk since initial load (this is bad).
- classmethod path_has_store(path)#
Is a given workflow path of this store type?
- reinstate_replaced_dir()#
- Return type:
- reject_pending()#
- Return type:
- remove_replaced_dir()#
- Return type:
- save()#
- Return type:
- set_EAR_end(task_insert_ID, element_iteration_idx, action_idx, run_idx)#
- set_EAR_start(task_insert_ID, element_iteration_idx, action_idx, run_idx)#
- set_EAR_submission_indices(sub_idx, EAR_indices)#
- set_jobscript_job_ID(sub_idx, js_idx, job_ID)#
- set_jobscript_submit_time(sub_idx, js_idx, submit_time)#
- set_jobscript_version_info(sub_idx, js_idx, vers_info)#
- set_parameter(index, data)#
Set the value of a pre-allocated parameter.
- property store_path#
Get the store path, which may be the same as the workflow path.
- update_loop_num_added_iters(loop_idx, num_added_iters)#