- class hpcflow.app.WorkflowLoop(index, workflow, template, num_added_iterations, iterable_parameters, parents)#
Class to represent a Loop that is bound to a Workflow.
Get loops whose task subset is a subset of this loop's task subset.
Get loops whose task subset is a superset of this loop's task subset.
Check if a loop should terminate, given the specified completed element iteration.
Return tasks that are not part of the loop, and downstream from this loop.
Get the list of task indices that define the extent of the loop.
Return tasks that are not part of the loop, and upstream from this loop.
- Parameters:
- add_iteration(parent_loop_indices=None)#
- app = BaseApp(name='hpcFlow', version='0.2.0a176')#
- property downstream_tasks: List[WorkflowLoop]#
Return tasks that are not part of the loop, and downstream from this loop.
- get_child_loops()#
Get loops whose task subset is a subset of this loop’s task subset. If two loops have identical task subsets, the first loop in the workflow loop list is considered the child.
- Return type:
- get_parent_loops()#
Get loops whose task subset is a superset of this loop’s task subset. If two loops have identical task subsets, the first loop in the workflow loop list is considered the child.
- Return type:
- property index#
- property iterable_parameters#
- property name#
- classmethod new_empty_loop(index, workflow, template, iterations)#
- property num_added_iterations#
- property num_iterations#
- property task_insert_IDs#
- property task_objects#
- property template#
- test_termination(element_iter)#
Check if a loop should terminate, given the specified completed element iteration.
- property upstream_tasks: List[WorkflowLoop]#
Return tasks that are not part of the loop, and upstream from this loop.
- property workflow#