.. _contribute:
Recommended reads
- `Conventional commits `_
- `poetry `_
- `click `_
Installation for development
`Install poetry `_ first.
Clone repo
Clone the git repo (see ssh links below), and then make sure that you switch to the development branch::
git switch develop
This branch is protected, so create a feature branch before pushing to the repo.
Checking out hpcflow
git clone git@github.com:hpcflow/hpcflow-new.git
Checking out matflow
git clone git@github.com:hpcflow/matflow-new.git
Install python dependencies with poetry
You should be able to simply run::
poetry install
from the hpc-flow folder and poetry will take care of everything for you.
If for some reason the install failed, try the following:
Delete the virtualenv. You first need to find the version you are using with::
poetry env info
then use it to remove the virtual environment with::
poetry env remove 3.10.6
Clear all cache in list with::
poetry cache clear --all PyPI
Check if there is no cache with::
poetry cache list
Reinstall dependencies::
poetry install
Working from the source
Open the virtual enviroment with::
poetry shell
Working with hpcflow
You can interact with the CLI by calling::
python3 hpcflow/cli/cli.py --help
Working with matflow
link to local hpcflow
To be able to work with hpcflow and immediately see the changes reflected in matflow you need to reconfigure the hpcflow dependency to point to your local copy of hpcflow.
To do this, run::
poetry add --editable ${HOME}/hpcflow-new/
This will update the hpcflow-new dependency to point to your local copy.
If this does not work, try doing it manually:
First modify the ``matflow-new/pyproject.toml`` file replacing::
hpcflow-new2 = "^0.2.0a14"
hpcflow-new2 = {path = "${HOME}/hpcflow-new", develop = true}
Then, you need to update your poetry environment accordingly, by first removing the lock file::
rm poetry.lock
and then re-running the dependency installation::
poetry install
You can interact with the CLI by calling::
python3 matflow/cli.py --help